Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Attack on Titan

Yes, it was about time I write another review lest this blog dissipates. It's crazy but, this is the first post for this year.

Introducing the highly rated anime of the year 2013:

Or otherwise known as Shingeki no Kyojin

I may always be exclaiming to the world how so many different anime have swept me off my feet, but boy, this one was like, an undeserved crazy wind to my face on a 40 Degree Celsius afternoon. Can I say, extremely satisfying?

Rated with an average score of 8.4 on Anilist, Attack on Titan delivered a promising 25 action-packed episodes, slotting in every bit of suspense ever possible which keeps anyone (or me) hungry for the next episode. I am so fortunate to have only started on this series when they completed all 25 episodes, else I may have been long gone from being severely deprived as I await the next episode.

The plot in a jiffy:

It lies along the lines of humanity vs. something else. Showing how humanity has the littlest chance to combat against the titans whom they have lived in fear since forever, humans were like 'livestock' that populated and were sheltered behind the tall walls that block out the feared creatures.

Then came along interesting subjects (you're a genius, Hajime Isayama!) who were titans that were very much larger and were able to transform from human to titan-form. Mysteriously, one of which (also known as the Colossal Titan) had appeared out of the blue and kicked down the wall, ending the 100 years of peace and starting the gruesome massacre as other tiny titans were then able to enter the village.

The *Military tried their best to protect the citizens but to no avail. However, a shining ray of hope, Eren Yeager, later possessed the ability of transforming and together with his burning passion to wipe off all titans, gave humanity the possibility of fighting back against their formidable foes.

*There are 3 different categories:

From left to right: Military Police, Recon Corps, Garrison.

Recruits would be in training squads to train for years, after which they would graduate and choose between the 3 military paths. However, only the top 10 performing individuals in each squad is allowed to join the Military Police, where they are stationed in the innermost wall to protect the King.

Eren, Mikasa, Armin and most other main characters were in the 104th trainee squad.

Other notable characters like Captain Erwin, Captain Levi and Captain Hanji are their seniors and were long in the Recon Corps. They are often seen in their green cloaks.

There was a big hype about this when it first came out, I'm not surprised. I'd say it has a really interesting plot going on (I ADMIT. I read the wiki in between episodes and spoiled the show myself.) I think the success of this anime was largely credited to the:


There were so many soundtracks to fit the different scenes, and you know how some shows just keep on replaying the same background music over and over and over again, which gets especially boring when it's a 100+ episode kind of anime for goodness sake! (Note that I am very alert when a soundtrack is being used in the backgrounds)
And mind you, these are QUALITY soundtracks. In all honesty, if not for the background music, the greatness of this show would cut by half.


Take the first opening for example:


I sincerely believe that Music Maketh the Anime (inspired by the ol' famous Shakespeare) as it fuels the emotions to be conveyed in various scenes. Could you imagine sitting in your dusty room with the doors shut, watching the fight scenes and all you hear is some gawky and inappropriate music with a tempo that is set at... 30 bpm?! Heck no! That is not only as stodgy as your chemistry notes, it is disturbing to a whole new level.

Oh and this by the way, is my favourite soundtrack from this series of all time

It's so beautiful (╯︵╰,)

You can literally hear every instrument coming in at different times, it's so crisp and clear, and they piece together so wonderfully. The timpani starts off, the gong joins in and BAM THE ENTIRE ORCHESTRA AND CHOIR BARGE IN. NO MERCY.

This was what Attack on Titan has scored a perfect 10/10 on. And I hereby present you... *drum roll*

The Great Sawano-san, composer of these masterpieces!

If you'd like to listen to the 'album', click here.


I wish I could scream into your face just to tell you how amazing some scenes in this show can get, but sadly, I can't. 


There, I think I did it.

But yes, there were so many replays for me in this show, excluding the times I've rewatched this series FOR MORE THAN A GOOD NUMBER 5. The fact that the scenes were engaging was attributed to the compelling desperation to survive. They fight against the titans with a lot of fear in their minds, and you can somehow or rather feel what is the very likely scenario if humankind is actually not the dominant species anymore.

The following scene is from episode 1, where Eren's mother could not be saved in time because she was trapped under the debris, and the 'Smiling Titan' was approaching:

Hannes, rushed over to help, but had no choice and made a decision to save only the two kids, leaving the mother behind:

Man, I love animes that make me feel this way. A plethora of emotions that engulf me whole. I mean, would you just look at that ending for episode 1? How more interesting can it get?

Side note: I don't know why but everytime when there's a part that really gets to me, I literally shout out "WHOAAAAA HAHAHAHA" and/or "OH MY GOSH". 

Regardless of the time. 
My parents must think I'm crazy.

Ok, then there was one scene that was really kan chiong: my butt was almost off the chair and I was biting onto my hand and sweating profusely and caving in my eyebrows all at the same time. Damn that background music, it was making it so much more intense.
Episode 9:

Their lives were so close to being lost. You HAVE to watch this part, it overlaps with episode 10.

There are also a lot of combat scenes, take this for example, featuring captain Levi in his own league doing his impossible stunts:

Two plates of Crispy Cutlets coming right up!

There was one scene I especially love, it was really meaningful to me and it hit me right in the face. The music that accompanied (also my favourite soundtrack as mentioned before if you were too lazy to notice) was also very befitting. It was after Mikasa found out that Eren died (oops) and she was about to give up on her life, but...

Do you know exactly how many times I cried at this scene? Me neither. It was to me the most touching scene in this show. I mean, Mikasa had no more point in life, but 
"If I died, I won't be able to remember you."


*cries a freaking river*

3. Mysterious Characters


Looking at this picture makes me feel like I've just downed some cold coconut juice after running 5km. On a hot sunny day. WITH MY JACKET ON.

Oh, by the way, when I first saw this picture, I was wondering who the heck was that blonde guy on the top left riding a horse?! I squinted so hard and really, I just couldn't figure out who that unknown horse-rider is...
Then days later, I looked at this picture again. Then I wondered... Eh where is Captain Erwi..



So much resemblance that I couldn't tell -___-

Ok, the unjustified artwork of captain Erwin aside, characters in this story reaaaaally are baffling. I suppose it's because of the very minimal coverage for certain characters, and how the plot in season 1 could only show this far (I'm talking as though I know the entire story but really it's only because I read spoilers boohoo).

A lot of character development is needed, AND IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. Because we have about half of the characters in the show who have significant impacts on the story yet are not being introduced properly thus far.
But it is entirely understandable and forgivable right now as of today, because they have started on the making of season 2. (If ever needed for a reality check, click here)

Nonetheless, season 1 focused heavily on a few main ones, and also briefly introduced the lesser focused-on characters.
The two main characters shrouded in mystery in Season 1 would be Eren and Annie. Mainly because both are...

Why are they both titans?
What does Annie need to accomplish?
Who is behind all these?
What the hell is going on????

And the questions just keep ringing in my head, prompting me to seek the truth as I click on the 'Next Episode' button, again and again. They bought me over. Completely.
That is, the secret to making a top-rated anime.

Here are some fun facts though:

  • Levi is an OCD freak

  • Levi seemed to like Petra (someone from the Recon corps as well), although it was never directly implied, it was really subtle and you could tell from the way he reacted to... her death... 

He was so freaking sad but he just kept it in (╥_╥)
  • Eren is a dickhead

He just shoved Mikasa away like that argh

  • There is a probable gay couple, Ymir and Krista
or maybe just really, really, really... good friends?


Like any other good anime, this plot was unique on its own. I really liked how they didn't cut out on the details of the landscape and they were impressively clear and well-drawn. The amount of gore was slight, and could have been more aggressive to spice up the series, however, they were really generous with the bloodshed. 
It is truly a sensational anime that deserves the amount of attention it has been receiving, if you'd ask me to recommend any anime for a start, I'd say this for sure, hands down!

In general, this was a worthy 9/10 。^‿^。


There is the Shingeki no Kyojin: OVA consisting of 3 OVAs and also Shingeki no Kyojin: Kuinaki Sentaku made specially for you Levi fans out there (His fan club is HUMONGOUS).

The manga is still ongoing but I heard it takes ages for an update. 

If you're an avid fan, you can try out their video games available on 3DS, Shingeki no Kyojin: The Last Wing of Mankind. I heard they even have games on iPhone and android. 

Also, there would be a LIVE Attack on Titan movie coming up, with additional characters. Not sure how it's gonna be like... but I'm definitely sticking to animation.

Ending this review with:
