Tuesday, November 18, 2014


First and foremost, listen to this:

Because I have never failed to dance a little to the beat of this funky opening song every time I've watched this anime! Just look at everyone joyously dancing the Enoshima Dance (´∇ノ`*)ノ

Anyway, Tsuritama is a really unique anime that caught my attention in the first episode (I am actually quite hard to impress when it comes to picking out a good anime bahaha).

The art itself was exceptional (very bright and attractive colours, cute designs of the clouds and waters etc.), and the flow of the story was rather fluent, although it may seem hard to comprehend in the beginning, it would all make sense in the later episodes.

It circles around these 4 high school boys... or maybe 3... or actually just 2, and their growing love for fishing which eventually binds them together. They were the ones destined to save this island from an unimaginable force right out of a folklore.

What I love about this anime was how four very different personalities slowly came together:

1. Yuki

The shy boy who suffers from severe anxiety (no, really it's depressingly severe) and has had a hard time making friends at school partially because of his frequent shifting of houses. Thus he gets very anxious in simple conversations or when making simple decisions (he couldn't decide whether or not to give up his seat and got into aggression mode hahaha). He finally moves to Enoshima where he met the other 3.

His face when he gets anxious. Yup, it's that severe...

But it subsides as the story progresses, great thanks to Haru for opening him up.

2. Haru

Your very unusual high school kid who's the main saviour of the plot. He claims to be an alien and seems to be able to control people's actions for awhile with his water gun, although he has never had any evil intentions.

He notices Yuki in Episode 1 and has clung onto him since then, begging him to learn how to fish. (Not telling anymore because it'll spoil the story) (¬‿¬)
The weirdest thing was he just went straight up to Yuki's house, proclaim to the grandma that he's an alien, and that from then on he'll be residing in the house. AND THE GRANDMA SAID OK.

3. Natsuki 

The typical cold and uninspired high school kid who shuns away from everybody. He is a professional fisherman however (aka fishing prince), and was the one who taught all 3 how to properly fish. He gets his furry head cut in the back episodes because he lost in a competition in catching the biggest fish between the 4. 

Thank God he lost

The only person whom he is really nice to is his sister, Sakura, probably because he lost his mother 2 years ago and decided it was best to take on her role (cooking etc.). He initially disapproved of his father and his new-found girlfriend's relationship, resulting in a very sour father and son relationship. (Such a stuck-up kid, even his younger sister could learn how to move on with life -____-)

4. Akira

The foreigner, and apparently an Indian (hence the turban). He appears to be in a hideout (a shop named Duck Curry which was closed for forever) with his other colleagues in the first episode while he investigates and monitors the actions of Haru. Not an actual high school kid but joins a high school anyway:

And here everyone was like "Seriously??! 25?!"

And then Yuki was like:

Which was FREAKING HILARIOUS (to me) because he was like "Enoshima, daijoubu ka?!" in such a fed-up tone, having met the already weird Haru, and now an old man was joining the class.

He literally screamed out OH MY GOD hahahaha

Akira also has a duck for a partner named TAPIOCA (like it isn't already so cute itself and they had to come up with such an adorable name argh)


Tapioca meets the cat! Two cuties together oh my goodness *heart explodes*

There were subtle funny scenes like

Albeit no significant humours that got me banging the table while I unbearably snort, they did add funny expressions and dialogues throughout that made me chuckle every now and then.

As the story progresses, they found themselves fishing together with much joy and hoped that such moments would last forever. Yay to a blossoming friendship!
And then it was time for the 'battle' at sea... Did they manage to save Enoshima? You'd have to watch to find out  (´∇ノ`*)ノ

For this anime, I was impressed with the plot and thoroughly entertained with the oddness which kept me wanting to know what the whole mystery was about, why did they have to save the island and Haru's true identity. It ended off great; all of the problems were solved (even Natsuki's hostility towards his dad) and left me a very bitter-sweet feeling.

I would say it's a 8/10 in general. \(^▽^@)ノ 
Recommended for those looking for a fresh unusual plot and with patience for the mystery to gradually unfold.


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